I’ve added new CSS, adding this Windows 1998 windowed look to each post. I’ve always been really drawn to websites that look like desktops. I’ll make a true version of one of those someday.
Yeah, I also always have intense nostalgia for funner times on Web 1.0: flashy Flash websites, gratuitous (sparkly) gifs, cOlOuReD sCroLL BARS, autoplaying midi music, table layouts created by slicing and dicing images in Photoshop, <marquee>
, rainbow cursors, image maps and more! I want to bring these things back, but I mean, I also need to consider the reasons why they’re gone in the first place. I’d like to re-purpose these ideas for today’s web!
I’ve had a lot of fun building this site and learning Hugo! I really enjoy writing SCSS. That is to say, if it’s only my CSS and only I have to worry about it and know where things are. I totally get the sadness of the cascade and specificity wars, though.